Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snow Day

I can't believe that a month has already passed. November flew by. Way too much drama for one single month to have. Had a great Thanksgiving with the kids, not all of them but at least the ones that want to be here were able to be here. Had a little bad weather the day before. Leslie and Caleb made it to Madison ok on Wednesday and came here Thursday morning. Aubrey and Brian headed to Madison early Thursday and then here Thursday afternoon. Both girls had to work on Friday so we had a fairly early night. And now we are already into December.

We had our first "big" snow yesterday. Started early and snowed all day. We ended up with between four and five inches. Not really windy so no blizzard. We were out about 10am blowing snow. No pictures yet. Maybe later.

Decided to wait until spring to paint the kitchen cabinets. Just too much going on. So I guess I will move onto the dining room for it's updates. Looking for a hutch. I want an old style, but with the weather changing and the antique shops so far away now might not be the right time to be out looking for one. Just have to see what comes up.

Going to spend the rest of the day in  my sewing room. I have a wall hanging I am working on and I should be able to get a lot done since the kids aren't here.