Saturday, May 21, 2011

This is May?

What happened to April? I think that I missed it during of our late season snow storms. Well let's see.....Haven't finished stocking #3, haven't worked on a new stained glass piece...Seems like I haven't done much of anything, but I know I have been busy because if it wasn't for the calendar I wouldn't even know the date! Since I don't remember April I will just jump into May's happenings since it is almost the end of the month.

We have had a mixture of weather; cold, rain, sleet, snow showers,sun, wind and even a humid day. But the past two weeks there has been more nice days than bad ones. We were able to get the compost "hill" out of the garden. I think it took about 100 trips- Filled all the low spots in the yard, filled 3- 4x4 raised flower beds and took a load to Aubrey's and filled both of her whiskey barrel planters. This week we were able to get the garden tilled, fertilized, beds made and planted. All I have left are black-eyed peas and some peppers. There is a spot about 6x3 that is empty but for the most part I am done. Tomorrow I will get what I need to fill it up and the waiting will begin!

Flower beds are all doing great and it appears that everything survived the winter. We have been getting loads of asparagus. All the berry bushes are loaded with blooms, even the cherries bloomed this year. First time for them. My greenhouse was awesome! All in all things seem to be moving along as they should. I do have an unwanted visitor- A tiny precious bunny..looked so cute out hopping through the yard, that is until I discovered it had eaten my new Red Lobelia. It runs for cover under the waterfall at the pond so in order to catch it I think I am going to have to take the whole thing apart to catch it. Unless of course Jasmine catches it first.

I also survived Story Time at the library. I just have one more week to read and then that will be it until September. Nolla asked if I would read again. Corra will be in kindergarten but Carter seems to enjoy it so it will be fun.

The last week of May will be much calmer I think. Resting up for what starts the 30th. Aubrey has a week of vacation so we are tackling the kitchen project. One week to 1. Build a new double oven cabinet (yes changing again) 2. Paint all the cabinets 3. Order new counter tops 4. Install back splash---- Oh yes- My new glass knobs. And then I will have to make a new curtain. That should take a week. Right?

The life of retired empty nesters!

Next post- Why do people have kids and then don't want to parent them... A tale of bad neighbors!!!!!