Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stocking Project

I got so caught up in the usual whining about the weather that I forgot about the progress I have made on my stocking project. I completed  stocking #2 and am well under way with stocking # 3. It has been moving along nicely, so I guess the weather has been ok. I have gotten quite a bit of little projects completed. One was a rag doll I started working on probably five years ago. During my great sewing room organization weekend right after Christmas I pulled all of my started but not completed projects out and made a list. I am determined to get them all finished by the end of the year. I have added a few new things to the list but they aren't major projects-just little pick me ups. One being a new print that all I have to do it mat and frame. I have wanted it for years but was too cheap to buy it but was lucky to find just the print for a fraction of the cost.  So here are the latest two completed projects:

Now back to work! Gardening time is right around the corner

Friday, March 25, 2011


Spring arrived on Sunday, with much anticipation of warmer days and melting snow. And yes we did have a lot of melting. That is until Tuesday when we got rain, rain that turned to sleet and then sleet that turned to snow. And snow that fell and fell until we had 4 1/2 inches of wet, heavy snow to shovel. Wednesday was a nasty day with high winds and yes more snow. What a blessing Thursday was with sunshine as far as you could see. No wind was the icing on the cake! Shoveled extra space for the dogs to run around and bark in. Today was another picture perfect day. Temps into the 40's, again no wind and plenty of sun. Ended up firing up the snow blower, things aren't melting fast enough. We are looking forward to a warmish, sunny weekend. But one more thing- forecast is calling for close to 3 new inches of snow Sunday!
As of Thursday! Thank goodness it looks nice!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The snow won't stop

Yes, I am becoming a whiner! I just can't seem to shake my cold/cough/whatever it is. Looks like it will stretch into month 2!  I need some sunshine, bare dirt, green grass, bare feet. But the snow keeps coming. We had another blizzard that dropped 12 new inches of blinding white snow-but not to stop yet, because just a couple of days later 2 more fluffy inches fell. Now I am not going to complain about the blinding white of it all because that at least means that the sun was out. And it is beautiful-but it didn't need to get so cold again.
 Ahh..finally.. March is here-so why is it just 4 degrees? And windy? Now the roads are like ice slicks. And the wind will continue to howl, that is until it starts snowing again tomorrow night. Do I sometimes question choosing to live in the upper mid-west. There are times when I am ready to be outside that I do question it! But anyway, March will be the transition month- by the end of the month I should have seeds started for the veg garden, some herbs and I am sure a few "needed" perennials. Fun times are just around the corner.  By April I am hoping all of the snow will be gone and I can start to rake the yard and mark off hard scape areas I will be doing this year. I am going to have to relocate the asparagus patch as we are tentatively planning on adding on to the garage. Who thought moving to town was going to be easier? Not as much work he said? Always something to be done.
I am half way through with stocking # 2.  Just two squares left to quilt on my wall hanging and fingers are crossed that I get the last two bedrooms upstairs painted before the end of April. I am having color issues so kind of forgot about it for a couple of weeks and will get back on it next week.