Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's all about the weather

Another hot and humid week has passed. Actually we did have two or three nice days with no humidity. Any way it got me thinking about when I was little. We were always at the coast. My dad fished, my mom took us to the beach where we would stay all day. It is some of the best memories I have of my childhood. But where were the memories of the heat, the humidity, the sand where God never intended sand to be? You know it happened. It was Texas. I had none of those memories.
You see we normally don't have humidity like we have had this summer. I got spoiled. About five years ago I told my kids that we were thinking about moving to the coast. Sell the farm, buy a little spot close to the beach and become beach bums.  They could come visit. We were excited. The dogs were excited. That plan was going along pretty good until I walked outside to do some farm chores and it was hot- not just hot-but hot & humid. Very humid. The childhood memories came back to me of being hot- the humidity and the hot wind that seemed to blow all the time. I knew then that I would not be moving to the coast. I no longer had dreams of being a beach bum or even running a little shell shop.
 Instead there will be frosty spring mornings when you sit outside in the morning drinking coffee with a blanket around you, summer days when it is almost too chilly to get in the pool, chilly hayrides in the fall to pick apples and the quiet, cold snows in the winter. I love a good blizzard. Taking a walk after the first snow of the season. Do I miss Texas? Oh yes at times. I miss the beach, the ocean even the hot salty air. I will go back one more time before I die. To see the changes all that have occurred since Leslie was little, to see the grand kids see the ocean. Shop the surf shops and shell shops. Have some fresh seafood. Then I'll come home to Minnesota. I'll turn the AC off in September. In October I'll drain the pond, cover the tender perennials and bring in the annuals. I'll get out my snow shovels and move the lawn mowers to the back of the garage and pull the snow blowers out to the front.(I do love to move snow) I'll bake and sew and work on some stained glass. Play with the grand kids and plan gardens for the spring. I'll whine about the cold and the wind that never seems to stop blowing. I'll be thankful.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crazy Busy

It has been a crazy week. Monday Albert and Guy went to the cities to get his new car. They left around 9am and didn't get home until after 6pm.They took a wrong turn!!! Long day for all of us. The grand kids and I were stuck inside because it has been hot and humid still. Wednesday calmed down a little and we were actually able to spend some time outside. I broke down and filled the pool for Corra and Carter on Thursday.  That night we had a bad storm move through. We didn't have any damage, just a few small limbs down. Sold the motor home- They will be here Saturday to pick it up. Friday errands for both of us. Albert to Marshall- when he got home Carter was napping so Corra and I ran to Dawson. Since he bought his Cadillac he decided to sell the Crown Vic- A guy came and got it Friday evening. Saturday I went to Watertown SD with Aubrey and the kids- It was a fun day. Corra did some major "big girl" shopping. Claire's for earrings and then down to Bath and Body Works- She was in heaven! Leslie was up to Fargo for a bachlorette party. She made it home on Sunday but I guess was too tired to stop in to work in the garden! Guy, Aubrey, Corra, Carter, Albert and I spent a few hours and got alot picked. The weather was nice Saturday and perfect today. This could last the rest of the summer. Checking radar though I think we will be warming up again Wednesday or so- But oh well it was picture perfect today. Will be canning tomatoes and pickling beets tomorrow. It should be much calmer around here for a while- Maybe- 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

Well it is August- The weather should just now be heating up but we have been hot and humid for about a month now. It hasn't been a great summer. In May we still had the furnace going- June we got over 9" of rain, July has been oppressive! I have used that word more times in the past 6 weeks than I have all of my life! August, so far, hot, humid and in general just yucky.

The garden is still producing. Tomatoes are getting ready and the okra is really taking off. I pulled all of the onions last night, kind of muddy though, we had 4" of rain Saturday morning. Things are getting done as I get them done. I decided not to let it stress me anymore. If it doesn't get picked today it will get picked tomorrow.

I started the curtains for Aubrey's craft room today. They will have Corra and Carter's hand prints on them. Went smoother than I thought it would- at 4, Corra is a great listener and pretty crafty- Carter on the other hand decided after a few prints that he liked squeezing the paint in his little fists more than making hand prints. Why did I think at 1 year old he would want to cooperate? We did get two colors done before I decided that was enough for one day. Now if Corra can keep from blabbing, Aubrey will get a nice surprise. I am still in the process of deciding what color vinyl to reupholster my kitchen chairs in. After making Leslie's curtains I am kind of leaning towards black and red but am not sure I would like it long term. Lots of colors in my kitchen to choose from so maybe turquoise and white will win out.

Today has been a long day and I am ready to call it-