Sunday, July 31, 2011

2011 Canning Season

So today my goal was to work in the veg garden. The only problem was that I got a late start and the humidity was already high. We did get a good size bucket of Corn on the Cob.  This was the first time I planted corn since moving to town. My grandkids and I planted a bed, 4'x16'. So far so good. We are getting nice sized ears, not real big but they are filled out nicely. We also picked Okra, tomatos and a large bucket of Cucumbers.  I had planned on cutting the greens far back but it just got too hot, too fast. Beans are coming regularly. First time I have grown Yellow wax and Purple beans. We are expecting some storms to move through tonight and tomorrow so I am hoping that cooler temps will hang around for a few days so I can get some outside work caught up.

My flower beds new some attention also. Everything has done good this year. Getting established, just in time to rearrange!  Oh well, my outside area is my canvas.  My moonflower has bloomed for the first time, I cam in to get my camera but the batteries are dead. So tomorrow..................

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Facing August

So I have gotten over the fact that I have a bunch of dumb asses for neighbors. I now know that living is town is just where I have landed. I will always be in the country-If not in body in my mind.  And today I have decided that I will move on from this funk that I have been in.  I will put on my "Big girl panties".....Buy address labels and learn to make this house our home. For real.

I am not getting any younger. That is the cold hard truth. Am I disappointed?  No, I have been blessed in my life. I had great role models growing up that shaped me into the person I am.  I have bits and pieces of my family that until one sleepless night I realized I had just overlooked.

Tonight I will say a prayer- I will thank those that have passed, I will thank god for putting me in this place and I will close the door that keeps me looking down the road.  I have no where I need to be, no one I need to see.

I think I will take a long bike ride..........