Thursday, October 28, 2010

Little Windy

We had a huge change in the weather this week. Some time Monday night the winds started to pick up. By the time we got up on Tuesday the wind was blowing at 35+ mph with gusts to 70 mph and it was raining. This lasted all day and through the night. Wednesday morning the wind was still blowing and it was snowing. There was a little accumulation but it melted fast since the ground is still warm. We were lucky though and didn't lose the big old tree-just a few smaller limbs. Finally today it is sunny, wind is still blowing but nothing like the past two days.
I brought the fish in- Found three of the tadpoles-one is almost a frog, it has all four legs but still a bit of it's tail, one has it's back legs and the other is all tadpole still! Lot's of the snails survived and there are lots of babies. The fish all look good except for one that didn't grow much and is missing it's top fin. Now I just need a slightly warmer day to get the pond scrubbed one last time before winter sets in.
We had a freeze last night but the greens still look good in the garden so we just might eat off of them one more time before I pull them up. I would like to have them out of the way and maybe even plot out the beds before winter. I have the plan drawn up and a supplies list started. We are going to be building  an A-Frame trellis for each of the tomato beds. I am also going to need a square foot grid for the mixed beds. I am excited about the new garden plan since I will be able to add all of the annuals that I like but don't seem to have a good spot for in my flower beds.
I have also almost finished upholstering my kitchen chairs. As of noon today I have just one left to finish. My goal was to be finished today and then to paint the kitchen this weekend but have decided to wait on that until I get the cabinet hardware ordered. The new plan for that is to paint the weekend after Thanksgiving. Aubrey will be off so instead of trying to get it all done and put back together in two days I will have three. Gotta love the deadlines. You can tell it is almost winter because now I am switching from lawn and garden mode to home improvement mode. Have to have something to keep me busy though. Starting January though-no excuses-I will be working on a new stained glass piece each month.

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